How to Send Binary Attachments to The IRS

Some forms allow taxpayers to submit additional attachments to the IRS, if required. You can find this information at the bottom of the 1040. 
(At the bottom of the 8879 is where you can attach
miscellaneous forms.)

  1. At the bottom of the 1040, click on the Attachment Link for the appropriate document that you will be attaching to the Tax return.

  2. In the Description field, enter a description/explanation for the attachment.

  3. If scanning a Document with the handheld scanner, click on Scan Document.
  4. If attaching a document scanned from a flatbed scanner, click on Import Document and select the PDF.
  5. Press Ok to complete.

    Your document should now be attached to the return, and will be sent to the IRS when the return is e-filed.