Central Site Refusal: Return Submitted by Another User ID

Refusal Message for a Return

In attempting to submit a return, a refusal message from the Central Site is received stating "Return submitted by another User ID." 

A taxpayer went to office ‘A’ to have their return prepared, yet never had given the ERO their approval to transmit the return. Occasionally, that taxpayer will go to another office, office ‘B’, to have the return completed and transmitted.

These two offices, although unrelated, both use Central Site to process returns.

When this takes place, office ‘B’ will not be able to transmit the return- instead the return is refused. The refusal message received states "Return submitted by another User ID." 

A change of ownership is needed (ONLY IF return hasn't been ACK'd by IRS)

  1. Office ‘B’ must email us a copy of the Consent form, 8879, signed by the taxpayer, along with a copy of the taxpayers driver’s license/photo ID. The ERO can email this to Help@EROSupport.com.
  2. The Perm Staff member will then attach those documents to a Ticket Tagging '@Return Reassignment' and let Teams Chat know of Tix number.
  3. Once the change has occurred by Central Site, follow-up needs to be done by calling Central Site support on the change of ownership request.

Example Template: (See below for consent form, don 't forget to attach it to the email)

By providing the following you are stating that you are the ERO that the Taxpayer has designated to file their taxes.


Attached is the form you and your taxpayer will need to fill out & sign from both parties along with a copy of the taxpayer’s Government issued ID, and a signed copy of Form 8879.Please send all documentation to support@crosslinktax.com.


If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call.


Your Tax Software Team
Support: (206)209-2653
Email: help@erosupport.com

Article ID: 414
Created: Thu, Sep 8, 2016
Last Updated: Mon, Mar 11, 2024

Online URL: https://kb.erosupport.com/article-414.html