Online Program > TaxPass Mobile App Setup

The Taxpass mobile app provides the ability for taxpayers to submit return information to their preparer. Taxpayers may manually enter the mobile app ID or scan the QR code that is generated during or after their Taxpass account registration.

  1. Click on Office Settings toward the bottom-left of the page.
  2. Under Extended Setup, click on Mobile Application.
  3. Click Generate ID to generate a unique mobile app ID and QR code.
  4. Enter ERO's email under Mobile Application Email and click Save.
  5. Click Select Mobile App Logo, browse your computer for the logo and click Open, then click Save And Upload Logo
    Note: The logo will automatically be reduced in size to meet the size requirements.


Article ID: 917
Created: Wed, Aug 10, 2022
Last Updated: Fri, Dec 2, 2022

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