"Error - ICLRMetaHost::GetRuntime failed"


When attempting to send email or using TextLink, the following message appears:

’Error - ICLRMetaHost::GetRuntime failed’


This occurs when the computer does not have the required .NET Framework.


  1. Close the tax software
  2. Navigate to the xlink## folder
  3. Open the utils folder
  4. Right click on NetFx20SP2_x86.exe and run as administrator
  5. Follow any user account control request with YES responses
  6. Launch the software and test email or TextLink functionality
  7. If the above step are not successful, you may need to continue troubleshooting with the following KB article:

Article ID: 819
Created: Sat, Jan 9, 2021
Last Updated: Thu, Apr 22, 2021

Online URL: https://kb.erosupport.com/article-819.html