How to Run an OTC Payments by Payment Date Report, Signifying Payment Methods by Clients

Running OTC Payments Reports

A report showing all clients with payment methods used will be displayed on an OTC Payments report. (Over the counter)


The following steps of procedure are provided to run an OTC Payment report:

1. Log into the program as a user with administrator privileges.

2. From the top menu, select Reports->Fee Payments->OTC Payments by "Payment Date."

3. In the Sort By list, choose the applicable sort option.

4. In the Group By list, choose the applicable grouping option.

5. In the Minimum and Maximum IRS ACK Date fields, enter the desired date range in the format indicated (i.e., January 3, 2012, should be entered as “20120103”).

6. To view the report on the screen, click the Quick View Button. To print the report, click the Print Button.