Entering Form 1095-A Information Into a Return
Entering Form 1095-A Information
Receiving a Form 1095-A indicates that an individual purchased insurance through the Marketplace. The form is not added directly to a return. The information is entered in the ACA Premium Tax Worksheet, which is automatically included in a return when Option D is selected in the health care coverage section of the Client Data screen.
To enter information in the ACA Premium Tax Worksheet, follow these steps:
- Open the return where the Form 1095-A information is to be added.
- Open the Client Data screen, and select Option D in the health care coverage section.
- On the top of the screen, click the Refresh Button.
The ACA Prem TC Worksheet will be added to the attached forms of the return (found under General).
- Complete the worksheet, using the information on the taxpayer's Form 1095-A.