Entering Form 1095-A Information Into a Return

Entering Form 1095-A Information

Receiving a Form 1095-A indicates that an individual purchased insurance through the Marketplace. The form is not added directly to a return. The information is entered in the ACA Premium Tax Worksheet, which is automatically included in a return when Option D is selected in the health care coverage section of the Client Data screen.

To enter information in the ACA Premium Tax Worksheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the return where the Form 1095-A information is to be added.
  2. Open the Client Data screen, and select Option D in the health care coverage section.

  3. On the top of the screen, click the Refresh Button.

    The ACA Prem TC Worksheet will be added to the attached forms of the return (found under General).

  4. Complete the worksheet, using the information on the taxpayer's Form 1095-A.