How to Complete Form 2441 For Child or Dependent Care Expenses

Completing Form 2441

  1. Click Client Data on the "Forms Attached" navigation pane.
  2. Enter all of the child/dependent information and check the 4th box to the right of MO, for child day care.
    NOTE: This will create a Form 2441 that can be seen in the navigation pane.
  3. Enter the income of the taxpayer and spouse if filing MFJ.
  4. Go to Form 2441.
  5. Fill in all the Day Care provider information:  Name, address, identifying number and amount paid to provider
  6. Select the child(ren) who had the day care, and enter the expenses.
    • Notice that not more than $3000 for one qualified person and $6000 for 2 or more persons will go to Line 3
    • Additionally note if child/dependent is over age 13 and it is NOT marked as being disabled, the credit will not calculate.
  7. If the spouse did not have income, there will not be any credit, unless the spouse was disabled or a student. If disabled or a student, go to Line 5a and select the F1 key. Information will appear on how to proceed in filling in the line.