How to Delete Checks From The Desktop Software

Deleting a Check

To delete a check from the Desktop Program, refer to the following steps below:

  1. From the WIP, in the Printing Queue section
  2. Click Checks, Registers, and Activation

  3. The Checks, Registers, and Activation screen will appear.
  4. Be aware there might be a Filter Criteria that needs applied
    • Drop down list: choose All Sites or one particular Site for which you want to delete checks.

  5. Click on the box next to each check you want to delete. A check mark will appear in the box.
    • You can alternatively click Select All at the bottom to check mark all the checks, or click Clear All to clear the check marks from the checks.

  6. Click Delete. The check will automatically delete without prompting, and you will be returned to the Checks to Print Screen.

  7. Click Close to return to the WIP screen.