How to Install The Topaz Signature Pad
Before installing signature pad models, confirm that the model is supported by the software: View Supported Signature Pad Models (KB 548)
- To download Topaz drivers click here.
- If prompted, click Save to save the file. Once the file has finished downloading, open the file.
- Click Extract all files, check the Show extracted files when complete checkbox, and then click Extract. A window will pop up showing the extracted files once complete.
- Double click "sigplus.exe" to begin the installation. If a Security Warning window appears, click Run.
- From the "Welcome" screen, click Next.
- From the "Read Me File" screen, click Next.
- From the "Choose Destination Location" screen, click Next.
- Click the applicable signature pad model, and then click OK.
If the model isn't known, it can be found on the bottom of the signature pad. - Select the Tablet Model
- Click the applicable connection type and then click OK.
- If your Topaz Signature Pad connects to your computer via a USB connection, select HSB (USB type).
- If your Topaz Signature Pad connects to your computer via a USB connection, select HSB (USB type).
- Review the license agreement and then click Agree.
- Select OK to configure.
- When the Demo.ocx or Adobe.ocx screen appears, click NO and then click OK.
- When the SigPlus Documentation Directory dialog appears, click OK.
- When the ~Sigplus Plug-Ins, Tools, and Examples dialog appears, click OK.
- When the installation is complete, click Finish.
- Now Plug in the Topaz Signature Pad, and Windows installs the necessary drivers.
- Test capture signature within the program. Easiest location: Database > Paid Preparer.