How to Send a Text Message Using TextLink and Extended Reports

Sending Text Messages Using TextLink and Extended Reports


Steps to send a text message to a single recipient:

  1. Start a new tax return or open an existing one.
  2. Double click Client Data in the Attached Forms pane.
  3. In the Cell Phone field, enter the cell phone number for the primary taxpayer.
  4. Click the Text Message check box.
  5. Click the Cell Phone Carrier field.
  6. Click the Choices Button on the bottom of the screen. The Cell Phone Carriers window will open.
  7. Select the applicable cell phone provider from those listed.
  8. Click OK to verify the selection.
  9. On the top tool bar, click Send Text. The Textlink window will open.
  10. Enter the desired message in this window, with a maximum of 160 characters.
  11. Click OK to continue. A confirmation window will open.
  12. Click Yes to confirm sending the message.

The text message will be sent to the cell phone found in the return.

Steps to send Mass Text to ALL clients:

  1. Open the Work in Progress Summary (WIP).
  2. On the top menu bar, click Lookup. The Lookup screen will open.
  3. On the top menu bar, click Extended. The Search Field Setup window will open.
  4. Click the Reports Button. The Saved Reports window will open.
  5. From this list, select Text Message from the Saved Reports window
  6. Click OK to run the report. The screen will populate with clients
  7. On the top menu bar, click Send Text. The TextLink – Batch Text Messaging Option window will open.
  8. Enter the desired message in this window, with a maximum of 160 characters.
  9. Click OK to continue. A confirmation window will open.
  10. Click Yes to confirm sending the message.

The program will send the text message to the intended recipients. 

Steps to send a text message to multiple recipients:

  1. Open the Work in Progress Summary (WIP).
  2. On the top menu bar, click Lookup. The Lookup screen will open.
  3. On the top menu bar, click Extended. The Search Field Setup window will open.
  4. Click the Reports Button. The Saved Reports window will open.
  5. From this list, select a report that will contain the clients to whom a text message is to be sent.
  6. Click Load to return to the Search Field Setup window, and load the display fields for the selected report.
  7. Click OK to run the report. The Extended Lookup screen will populate with clients that meet the selected criteria.
  8. On the top menu bar, click Send Text. The TextLink – Batch Text Messaging Option window will open.
  9. Enter the desired message in this window, with a maximum of 160 characters.
  10. Click OK to continue. A confirmation window will open.
  11. Click Yes to confirm sending the message.

The program will send the text message to the intended recipients. 

NOTE: a maximum of 100 recipients can be sent a text message at one time. TextLink Plus is not subject to this limitation.