Help File Error: "Component MSCOMTL.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered"
When trying to access the help file from the software you get an error.
"Component MSCOMTL.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered"
This fix is NOT tax year specific, if you're having issue with one year this will fix for all tax years.
Reason for issue: DLLs are registered during installation but install doesn't happen on workstations. This will possibly need to be done manually for any workstation.
- Navigate to the xlink## folder & find Batch File 'VistaWindows7' or Download file attached to KB below.
- Right click & Run As Administrator
- Test Help function to verify issue resolved.
- This also corrects error messages for other functions within the program.
ie: Edit Client Letter
- This also corrects error messages for other functions within the program.