Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) Location For The Taxpayer, Spouse or Dependent

An Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) is a six-digit number that prevents someone else from filing a tax return using the taxpayer's Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. The IP PIN is known only to the taxpayer and the IRS. It helps the IRS verify the taxpayer's identity when a return is filed, whether e-Filed or paper filed. 

The IP Pin should be entered in the Client Data section. The image below displays where an IP Pin should be entered for a Taxpayer or Spouse

IP PIN flows to the bottom of the Form 1040 by the Taxpayer or Spouse's signature area.  

To enter the dependent IP Pin, select the dependent's name, then select the worksheet button to view the IP Pin field.

IRS Information on IP PINs

  • The Identity Protection PIN is issued January via Mail and is good for the current processing year only
  • If the Identity Protection PIN is not included on an affected taxpayer's return or it is incorrect, the processing of their Federal Income Tax Return may be delayed or rejected.
  • If the CP01A Notice containing the IP PIN is misplaced and the affected taxpayer cannot remember the assigned IP PIN, they can call the Identity Protection Specialized Unit at 1.800.908.4490 ext. 245 to receive a replacement PIN. The use of replacement IP PINs may cause a delay in processing your tax return and the issuance of any refund.
  • If a joint tax return is being filed and both the taxpayer and the spouse have been issued an IP PIN, only the taxpayer's PIN should be included on the tax return. However, if you are filing electronically, both taxpayers must enter their IP PINs.
  • Taxpayer's who may have been a victim of identity theft should contact the IRS Identity Protection Unit at 1.800.908.4490. The hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. your local time.

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