1040 Online Wallet setup, vaulting and reloading Reference guide

Wallet Set-Up, Vaulting & Reloading Reference Guide

EFIN/Office Level

Office owners can manage their wallet by accessing it within the Profile Menu in the online software.

Accessing Office Wallet

  1. Login to Online with Office Owner login


  1. Click on Profile Menu (top right corner of Dashboard page)



Configuring Wallet

  1. Provide email address: can be of the wallet owner’s choosing – and will be used to send notifications by instances where an action by the wallet owner is required (e.g. an insufficient balance is in the wallet to cover a current charge)
  2. Establishing a payment method (or methods) to a wallet is referred to as ‘vaulting’
  3. One of the methods for making payments to a wallet balance must be by way of a credit/debit card; even if the wallet owner wants to use an ACH account to load or reload the wallet balance, a credit/debit card must be vaulted
  4. As previously noted, the wallet allows for two vaulting options: 1) credit card; and 2) ACH. Note: At least one credit card must be vaulted in order for services to function. Even if a wallet has a balance, a credit card is required to be on file.

Vaulting Type


Credit Card / Debit Card

Credit card vault is required in order for a wallet to function. Even if there is a wallet balance, at least one card is required. The card vault charges $1.00 charge and immediately voids the charge.  The wallet owner is not charged $1.00 on their card statement.


ACH can be vaulted as a personal or business ACH. Either checking or savings can be vaulted. During the initial vault the wallet owner must sign the vaulting invoice email that is sent to them from PayJunction. There is a $0.01 charge that goes along with an initial ACH vault that is not refunded. Once an ACH is vaulted correctly, money can be transferred from the ACH account to the wallet. Each transfer will require a signature and may take a full day – or more – to settle.


Reload Settings

The wallet owner has a choice of three different wallet reload settings: Manual; Auto Reload; and Pay-As-You-Go. The table below describes each reload setting in detail:

Reload Setting



The wallet must be loaded and replenished by the wallet owner manually. If the balance is $0 or below, the wallet owner must load the wallet with enough money to cover current and future services.

Auto Reload

The wallet owner may choose a balance threshold and a reload amount. If the wallet balance falls below the threshold, then the wallet is automatically reloaded to the wallet owner’s specified amount by way of a subsequent charge. (The wallet owner may encounter a larger charge amount than expected if the reload amount is still not enough to cover current fees.)


(low- volume option)

The wallet will automatically load with enough money prior to payment. The wallet can have a zero balance (or less) – and, as soon as a request for payment via Invoice comes in, the wallet will be replenished with enough money to cover the invoice. Also note that the default payment method card will be utilized. (This is not a recommended setting for any wallet owner as it may result in many charges against the wallet owner’s default payment method. Reloading the wallet utilizing either a Manual or an Auto Reload method should always be encouraged.)

Reload Balance

Navigating the Wallet Tabs

The right pane of the screen is a tabbed pane that includes the following tabs:


Payment Methods Tab

This tab displays the wallet owner’s currently vaulted payment methods. (Typically, a credit card – but optionally an ACH, as well.) Each type of payment method can be used to add money to the wallet. Note: Only a credit card can be used for automatic reloads.

Transactions Tab

The Transactions tab will display all wallet transactions; both credits and debits can be found in this tab – and are filterable. There is also the ability to export a full list of transactions to a CSV text file.

 Invoices Tab

The Invoices tab will list all invoices. This includes unpaid, paid, voided, refunded, and pending invoices. The table below describes each in detail:

Invoice Status



Invoice has been paid by the wallet. There will be a coinciding wallet transaction that links to this invoice.


Invoice has not been paid. There was likely an attempt by the system to collect on this invoice and it ended up with either a low wallet balance or a card decline issue. Unpaid invoices can be attempted to be paid again by the wallet owner via the wallet. If it’s a PPR, $4 Tech or EFile Fee invoice against a return, the wallet owner can also simply attempt to re-transmit the return once the wallet issue has been resolved.


Typically, a system issue; the processing system had a problem and the invoice fell into a ‘void’ scenario. The wallet owner should try transmitting again at a later time.


Accounting has refunded money back to the wallet from this invoice. This could be a full or partial refund. The refund will also show up in the Transactions tab.


This is not a typical status and would only display if there was an issue with the RSS collection process. Wallet owners should not worry about a ‘Pending’ status as it will either end up as ‘Paid’ (once the transaction goes through) or ‘Unpaid’ (if there is an issue charging the wallet).

The only ‘invoice status’ in which the wallet owner can take action on is the ‘Unpaid’ status.

There are many issues that could lead to an ‘Unpaid’ status. The most common is a wallet reload error stemming from a credit card issue during the reloading of the wallet. Another common issue is that the wallet was set to ‘Manual Reload’ and the wallet balance was not enough to cover the full cost of the invoice.

The two screenshots below show what a wallet owner will see when an invoice has been successfully paid and when an invoice has not been paid.  


Troubleshooting Unpaid Invoices

The following table describes the most common ‘unpaid invoice’ scenarios – and how to help the wallet owner resolve the different issues.


Possible Cause


There exists an unpaid invoice for a return’s Tech or Efile Fee.

Therefore, the return has not been sent to the IRS.

The wallet did not have enough money to cover the fees after the return was transmitted …

… or, if ‘Auto Reload’ was setup, the default payment method failed to load the wallet.

Have the wallet owner load their wallet with enough money to cover fees and then click “Pay Now” on the unpaid invoice.

After clicking “Pay Now”, either the wallet will be reloaded or any credit card issues will display.

There exists an unpaid invoice for a return’s PPR fee.

Therefore, the return was never transmitted to ‘Central Site’.

The wallet did not have enough to cover the fee before the return was transmitted …

… or, if ‘Auto Reload’ was setup, the default payment method failed to load the wallet.

Have the wallet owner load their wallet with enough money to cover the fees and then have them re-transmit or re-print the 1040 return again.

There exists an unpaid invoice for one or multiple Remote Signature fees for one or multiple returns.

Therefore, the wallet owner is no longer able to send remote signatures.

The wallet did not have enough to cover the fee during the daily RSS invoicing …

… or, if ‘Auto Reload’ was setup, the default payment method failed to load the wallet.

Have the wallet owner use the “Pay Now” button on the unpaid invoice. Make sure that there are no other unpaid RSS invoices, as well.

Once they are all paid, the software will be sent an ‘unlock’ during transmit so they can resume Remote Signature functionality.

Program Services Tab

The program services tab is dynamic depending on what type of wallet is being used.


Wallet Type

Program Services Option


UserID or EFIN wallet

Remote Signature Agreement

If the Account Owner has not agreed to the remote signature agreement on the portal, then the wallet owner (sub-office) can opt in from their wallet directly.

Account Level Wallet

Pay For All Charges

The account level wallet can opt to pay for all wallet charges (all services) associated with their sub-accounts’ wallets.

UserID Level Wallet (1040OL)

Pay For All Charges

The CLO user level wallet can opt to pay for all wallet charges (all services) for all of their sub-accounts’ wallets.



The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) tab houses a document that answers many of our customers’ most frequently asked wallet-related questions.