Error Message: Unable to load sysload: overlay/sysload.ovl while opening the program
When opening the program, the following error message appears:
’Unable to load sysload
Cause I
File is quarantined by security software (e.g., Avira, Avast, Norton, etc.)
Resolution I
To resolve this issue, add the quarantined file to the security programs exclusions list.
Google search " xxx antivirus whitelist" for antivirus program's specific steps
Google search " xxx antivirus whitelist" for antivirus program's specific steps
Cause II
Launching the program executable from a location other than the install folder. The most common cause for this error is copying the executable to the desktop rather than creating a shortcut.
Resolution II
- Verify the xlink## folder has the xlink32.exe
- Delete the desktop icon/executable causing the error.
- Create the shortcut using steps in KB:84 - How to Create a Desktop Shortcut on Local/Networked PC