How to Print a Check at The Refund Advantage Web Portal

To Print a Check

To print checks, Adobe Acrobat will need to be installed on the computer. Verify Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed or download a free copy from the Adobe’s website before proceeding.

Log in to your account at


Under the Tax Header, you will see “checks to print” if you have taxpayer checks available for printing

Clicking “checks to print” will list the checks that are available to print. Select the check(s) you would like to print individually or click “select all” to print all available checks.

 Enter the starting check number, then click “print.



A pop -up box will appear, “Confirm Check Prints”. 



Simultaneously, the check print PDF will begin downloading.  Open the PDF from the bottom of your screen or directly from your “downloads” folder on your computer




When the PDF opens, you will see a preview of the check(s).  Make sure the printer is loaded correctly with check stock.  Click the printer icon.




Before printing, confirm the Page Size & Handling is set to “actual size”, then, click “print”. 

If the check(s) printed correctly, click “yes”. If the check(s) did not print correctly, click “no”, enter in the new starting check number and

reprint the check(s).


Additional Notes:

1. This article only addresses printing new checks. Once the Exit Printing Button is pressed, check reprinting must be done from the Reprint a Check option under CUSTOMER CENTER.

2. After the first attempt to print a client’s check, there is a 24-hour window to reprint the check.

3. Within this 24-hour period, each check is given four attempts to print correctly.

4. After 24 hours or four attempts are reached, the check must be reissued using the Check Re-issue Form located in the Forms and Materials option in the CUSTOMER CENTER.

5. After the form is faxed to Refund Advantage, the check will be re-issued a new check print authorization within four business hours.

6. If a check has been printed multiple times, only the most recent printing is valid. Earlier printings are void and should be voided and kept in the taxpayer’s file. Refund Advantage may request that copies of these voided checks be faxed to them.