ScreenShare -Show My PC

ERO Screen-sharing tool (Used for Technical Support Troubleshooting)

Be aware that this version of showmypc (SMPC) screen shares doesn't expire.  Suggest to the ERO/end-user before disconnecting call to close the screen share program so no back doors are left open. Or close the screen share tool on their end through the screen share tool prior to disconnect. Let the ERO know what you are doing so they understand that this version of SMPC doesn't time out.

Email the above link to the ERO

  1. Have the ERO navigate to the Download and Run prompt by selecting the 3 dot pattern.
  2. Select Show My PC Download and Run
  3. Saving the file will populate an icon on the desktop for future use.
  4. After save a new window will appear and a 4 digit Password will populate that the ERO will have to read off.
  5. When the screenshare is no longer needed; disconnecting from the screenshare is advised.

Alternate Screenshare tools

KB 922: ScreenShare - Show My PC Web Version for Chromebook
KB 742: ScreenShare -Chrome Remote Desktop

Screen-shots of the different looks of the SMPC tool

(Support Agents should use the Full Application option)


If the ERO/end-user give you a 12 digit password enter that PW as follows
