Today’s Appointments - Informational
Today's Appointments
This function allows you to view a calendar with the current day highlighted, schedule appointments, and view those appointments in both a list fashion by day and on the calendar.
From the WIP, under Other Items, click Today`s Appointments. The Today`s Appointments screen will open. The Today`s Appointments screen looks as follows:
Toolbar: The Toolbar is located along the top of the screen and allows you to work with Appointments.
Calendar: Different months can be viewed by clicking on the small arrows next to the name of the current month. The current day is circled in red. Also, the current day is shown at the bottom of the calendar. Days with appointments set are in bold.
Appointment List: This list appears to the right of the calendar. If you highlight a certain day on the calendar, this list will show you the appointments for that day. The list includes the Date and Time (in military time), along with the Preparer`s Name and the Subject matter of the appointment. If the appointment concerns a Client, the Taxpayer`s Name and phone number will also be listed.
Notes Area: This area will show any notes associated with a certain appointment entered by the User.
To create an Appointment:
- Click Add from the toolbar. The Clients Appointments screen will open. If you highlight a date on the calendar before you click Add, this date will automatically appear under Date.
- Enter the Subject of the Appointment. (Example: Prepare tax return, disburse refund check)
- Next to Start Time, select the date and time from the dropdown calendar and the time selection arrows.
- Enter the Preparer if it is someone different from the person currently logged in. The User ID of the person currently logged in will already appear.
- Under OutLook,
- Select the Duration of the appointment from the dropdown list.
- Next to Remind Before, choose whether you want a reminder, and how long before the appointment you want to receive your reminder. The reminder will be sent to your Outlook account if you have that program.
- Check Include Contact Information if you want to include the Client`s contact information in the Outlook Reminder.
- Click Send to Outlook to set the appointment in the Outlook calendar.
- Enter the Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, and E-Mail Addressof the client. You only need to enter the information that will be necessary for this particular client. If it is a new client, you should enter all of the information. If it is a returning client, you may only need to enter their name.
- Enter any Notes that will be helpful to you. These notes will appear on the Today`s Appointments screen when you click on the appointment in the Appointment List.
10.Click Save to close and return to the Today`s Appointments screen.
To view the details of an Appointment,
- Find the Appointment in the calendar and click on it in the Client Appointment List to highlight it in blue.
- Double click the Appointment. The Client Appointments screen will open.
- View the Appointment.
- Click the Go to button to open the Client`s Return, which will appear if the Appointment was created during the preparation of the Tax Return
- When finished viewing the appointment, click Save to close and return to the Today`s Appointments screen.
To edit an Appointment:
- Find the Appointment in the calendar and click on it in the Client Appointment List to highlight it in blue.
- Click Edit from the Toolbar or double click the appointment in the Client Appointment List. The Client Appointments screen will open.
- Make edits to the Appointment.
- Click Save to close and return to the Today`s Appointments screen.
To delete an Appointment:
- Find the Appointment in the calendar and click on it in the Client Appointment List to highlight it in blue.
- Click Delete from the Toolbar. The appointment will delete without any prompting.
- To view only your own Appointments, while logged in under your User Name, click Show My Appointments Only under the calendar.
- When you are finished with Today`s Appointments, click the WIP button to close and return to the main screen.