Online Program > Configuring Chrome Authenticator Extension for a Login

Utilizing the Chrome Authenticator Plugin in 1040 Online to complete the multi-factor authentication (2FA) process is common for 1040 Online users.

The following items are required to complete this process:

  • Open Google Chrome
  • Download Chrome Authenticator plugin available on your Chrome Browser.
  • This process will require the QR Code image to be displayed on a tab in a Chrome browser.

 Follow the instructions below to successfully configure Chrome Authenticator Extension:

  1. Once the authenticator is downloaded, select the Extensions icon on the Chrome browser and select Authenticator.

  2. Select the Edit icon.

  3. Select the Add Account icon.

  4. Select Scan QR Code option.

  5. Use the crosshairs to capture the QR Code image.
  6. Select OK when ready.
  7. Authentication code will now display in the Chrome Authenticator.