How to Use The Remote Signature (Desktop Version)

The Remote Signature Feature


  • EFileable TaxYears ONLY
  • Taxpayer/Spouse cell phone number and cell phone service provider information in the "Client Data" screen for text messaging. Email in the Desktop Tax Program can also be used for remotely capturing a signature provided there is an email present in the "Client Data" screen.
  • ERO and Preparer signatures are already captured.  

Use the following steps to access the remote signature feature:

  1. Open a return that has been completed with no verify error messages.
  2. From the Print menu, Select Final Tax Return.
  3. Click on the Remote Sign Button.
  4. Select No for any clients in the office.
  5. A Text message or Email with a web link will be sent to Taxpayer/Spouse cellphone or email.
  6. After clicking the web link from the text message, a web browser window will open and the Taxpayer/Spouse will need to verify their identity by completing the information for Last Name, DOBLast 4 digits of their SSN, & possibly Zip Code. Click Next to continue.
  7. After the verification, the Taxpayer/Spouse will place a check mark on "I've read the document," place the signature and submit.
  8. You can view the Remote Signature from inside the Return.
  9. Any pending remote signature(s) can be viewed in the WIP screen.

 Below is a more graphic description of the steps above:

  1. For the taxpayer (and spouse if a joint return), on the Client Data form, enter the Cell Phone Number. Check the Text Message box and enter the Cell Phone Carrier from the Choices list. This choice will populate the cell phone carrier AND the Carrier Texting Domain.
    • Should the cell phone carrier not be in the Choices list, selecting one of the major carriers will work.
  2. Once the return is completed & verifies clean, when the return is open from the Print menu, select Final Tax Return.

  3. From the Print Final Return window, click on the RemoteSign Button.

  4. The In-Office Sign Documents window should pop-up asking if clients are in the office, click just the OK button.
    Don't put any checkmarks in this window, this is for IN Office signature.

  5. There is a prompt on the next window that asks how to send the request to the Taxpayer/Spouse.
  6. A text message is initiated to the client asking for a signature. Once the return is closed, the status of the signature is noted on the Work in Progress Summary in the Exceptions/Rejects panel under Pending Remote Signatures.

The following is what the Taxpayer/Spouse will follow to complete the remote signature request. 

  1. When the client clicks the web link, a web page opens where the client will need to verify their identity by providing Last Name, Last 4 Digits of their SSN & Zip Code. (mimic the info from client data)

    • ARCHIVE INFO for Prior years (TY19 & before
      When the client clicks the web link, a web page opens where the client will need to verify their identity by providing
      Last Name, Date of Birth (MMDDYY format) and the Last 4 Digits of their SSN.
  2. Clicking the Next Button will submit the data for verification of identity.
    • Should there be no match, the client will be asked to Retry.
  3. After verification, a prompt for review of document & signature is requested with a submit button.
  4. The PDF document  above in the text is a hyperlink to the client's print package tax documents.
    The client is able to scroll through and review the documents IF there is a PDF view installed on their device.
  5. When the client has viewed the documents, the client may return to the signature screen. As shown below, the client will need to mark the check box for "I have read the document," and sign with stylus or finger.
    • Should the Client be not satisfied with the signature, clicking on Clear will delete the signature so the Client may sign again.
    • Note that the signature is not stored on the device.
  6. Click the Submit Button to submit the signature as shown above.
  7. The signature is transferred and integrated with the return. When the return is open, the signature can be viewed under Attached Forms/GENERAL by selecting Remote Signature. The time completed is notated at the very right.

  8. The signed return is stored in the Document Archive.
    1. It may be viewed when the return is open by selecting Document Archive.
    2. When selected, the Archived Documents Listing window opens.
    3. To view the return, select it and click the Open Button.