Error Message: "Login Refused, NO USER ID"


An error message appears when transmitting.

’Login Refused, NO USER ID’ 


This message appears if either of the following are true:

  • The User ID entered in the program is invalid.
  • The account associated with the User ID is not active for the program year used.
    NOTE: A User ID can be active for one year and not active for a prior year.


Method 1: Verify the USER ID and Password.

  1. Log into the program as a user with administrator rights.
  2. From the top menu, click Setup > Office Setup.

  3. In the User ID field, verify the entered value is correct, making changes as necessary. Click OK to save the change.

Method 2:  Assign a Federal License

  1. Verify that the office has an "Active" Status in EMP
    • If Not Active > ERO should complete activation of that office
    • If Active > Follow steps below
      NOTE: IF the office is Active in EMP & the License wasn't applied PLEASE give the Skype: EMP Verbose Chat the heads up of a possible issue.
  2. Log into with your Username and Password.
  3. Hover over Support and then click Manage Offices.
  4. Use the 'Search User ID' function to find the office.


  5. Click the box in the Federal License column next to the office(s) that require a Federal License. 

  6. Click Update Licenses.

  7. The following messages will appear as confirmation that the procedure was successful.

  8. Verify transmission to Central Site is successful.