Error Message: "Login Refused, NO USER ID"
An error message appears when transmitting.
’Login Refused, NO USER ID’
This message appears if either of the following are true:
- The User ID entered in the program is invalid.
- The account associated with the User ID is not active for the program year used.
NOTE: A User ID can be active for one year and not active for a prior year.
Method 1: Verify the USER ID and Password.
- Log into the program as a user with administrator rights.
- From the top menu, click Setup > Office Setup.
- In the User ID field, verify the entered value is correct, making changes as necessary. Click OK to save the change.
Method 2: Assign a Federal License
- Verify that the office has an "Active" Status in EMP
- If Not Active > ERO should complete activation of that office
- If Active > Follow steps below
NOTE: IF the office is Active in EMP & the License wasn't applied PLEASE give the Skype: EMP Verbose Chat the heads up of a possible issue.
- Log into with your Username and Password.
- Hover over Support and then click Manage Offices.
- Use the 'Search User ID' function to find the office.
- Click the box in the Federal License column next to the office(s) that require a Federal License.
- Click Update Licenses.
- The following messages will appear as confirmation that the procedure was successful.
Verify transmission to Central Site is successful.