Form W-2 Box 1 Amount Not Carrying to Form 1040


After filling in information on Form W-2, the W-2 does not carry to Form 1040.
When looking at the W-2 in the attached forms list, the W-2 is missing the “T –“ or “S –“ indicator.


The most likely cause is that a data conversion was done from a competitor tax software.
When the conversion was done, the taxpayer or spouse indicator was not properly set on the W-2.
There should be a “T –“ or “S –“ listed with the W-2 in the attached forms list. 


To arrange the return so the W-2 carries to Form 1040, delete the W-2 and once again re-enter.


When this occurs on one return, it may affect other tax returns that the preparer has as well. This is not an expected outcome and should not happen, but when it does happen, we can collect information and create a ticket. If we can correct the conversion issue, the preparer can reconvert their tax returns to prevent this from happening again for them in the future on new returns.

Information to collect for a ticket:

  •  Was a conversion done?
  •  What tax year was the data converted from?
  •  What product did they convert from?