Error Message: This file cannot be opened because it has no pages in Printing a PDF Return Copy


While printing a PDF tax return copy, the following error message appears:

’This file cannot be opened because it has no pages.’


This error can be caused by:

  • Printing bank documents on a tax return with no bank product.
  • Forms not being correctly configured to be printed.
  • Selecting to use an external PDF reader when Adobe Reader is not installed.
  • Not having selected a location to save generated PDF files.

Resolution 1

Enable printing in Printer Setup:

  1. Log into the program as a user with Administrator rights.
  2. On the top menu, select Setup > Printer Setup.
  3. Click the Return Printing tab.

  4. Select Send to Printer for at least one column.

Resolution 2

Use the built-in PDF Reader:

  1. Log into the program as a user with Administrator rights.
  2. On the top menu, select Setup > Printer Setup.
  3. Click the Print Options tab.

  4. Uncheck Use External PDF Reader.

Resolution 3

Enter a valid PDF printing path:

  1. Log into the program as a user with Administrator rights.
  2. On the top menu, select Setup > Printer Setup.
  3. Click the Print Options tab.

  4. In PDF Printing Options, click Browse.

  5. Select a folder in which to save PDF files. Click OK twice to save the selected PDF path.

NOTE: Some versions of Microsoft Windows will not write to the root of the system drive (C:).