Error Message: Login Refused, Bad PASSWORD While Transmitting
When transmitting, the following error message appears:
’Login Refused, Bad PASSWORD’
This error message can occur due to the following reasons:
- The User ID entered in the program is incorrect.
- The Transmission Password entered in the program is incorrect.
Enter the correct User ID and/or Transmission Password.
The transmission password can be found in the CSR like below.
Resolution 1
Verify the User ID is configured correctly:
- Log in to the program as a user with Administrator rights.
- From the top menu, select Setup > Office Setup.
- In the User ID field, enter the User ID to be used.
- Click OK to save the change.
Resolution 2
Verify the communications password is configured correctly:
- Log in to the program as a user with Administrator rights.
- Open the Work In Progress Summary.
- On the top toolbar, click Transmit. The Transmit to Central Site window will open.
- Click Setup. The Central Site Communications Settings screen will open.
- In the Password field, enter the transmission password. NOTE: This password is case-sensitive.
- Click OK to save the change.
If the correct User ID and password have been configured, communication will now be successful.