Remote Signature Not Receiving Signed Document


Tax Payer has signed remote request but the Document Archive doesn't display the 'Fully Signed Document'. The Remote Signature may show completed but doesn't show "Signed" in Document Archive as displayed in the below screenshots.



Possible cause the LiveLink Status for LEADER shows 'FALSE' & requires the LEADER to be 'TRUE'


  1. Navigate to the command Help
  2. Select the About 1040 Software 
  3. Click the Live Icon in upper right corner of window
  4. Verify in the Live Link Status that LEADER shows TRUE

IF TRUE another issue is occurring, speak with LEAD/possible call to Central Site.

IF FALSE Proceed with Resolution

  1. Select the LEADER REQ button, bottom left
  2. Verify LEADER shows TRUE
  3. Check to see if Document Archive has received Signed Document

Resolution with Images