Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) TaxYear 2021
MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) was introduced in the 2022 - 1040 Program
(xlink22) Tax Year 2021
What is Multifactor Authentication
- Microsoft link for explanation
IF working in the HOSTED program it's STRONGLY suggested start with TY18 & apply the MFA.
Then open TY2021 to apply MFA.
When launching the 2022 program user will be prompted to setup MFA
Working through the 'Forgot Password' steps to reset the PW will reset MFA options
Continue article IF opting IN
- Get the app on your phone
- Use the MFA QR code that populates during install to complete the authentication process
- This app will be used each time the enduser logs into the program.
To change MFA Options
- Log into the 1040 Software as a user with Administrator rights.
- Navigate to Utilities > User Preferences > MFA button
- Input checkmark on the Opt in to MFA
- By clicking the Regenerate button a Login/Password window will populate (input the Password for that login)
- Generate QR code will prompt the following window, selecting OK
- Using the Login Accounts (Setup location) change the password of the login having MFA issues
- This will prompt the user to input changed password & setup new password as well as MFA options