Bank Specification by User With Multiple Bank Approvals

This process should happen automatically when selecting the Make PRIMARY within the EMP tool Manage EFINs/Bank Application.

  1. Navigate to the correct account (UID/EFIN) 
  2. Select the View/Edit Enrollment hyperlink  (Hamburger stack) OR Use the ACTIONS drop down to select Manage Account.
    This will open in a new tab.

  3. Select Manage EFINs/Bank Application from the left panel.
    This will open in a new tab.

  4. Using the Make Primary link to assign the 'primary' EFIN for that office. 

Back End: To manually specify a bank to be sent to the software.
Be aware access maybe restricted.

  1. Log into the Central Site Portal by clicking the  button in the upper-right hand corner.
  2. Select the correct Tax Year
  3. Select Office Management
  4. Navigate to Bank Enrollment
  5. Then click on Bank Selection

Use the Search option to narrow your view of accounts. (Navigate to the correct tier IF applicable) & Select button to choose the partnering bank.