Error Message: "Your access authorization level of ADMINISTRATOR is inadequate for the requested function Send Text Message."


Clicking "Send Text" causes a message box to appear.

'Your access authorization level of ADMINISTRATOR is inadequate for the requested function Send Text Message'




The Administrator account does not have the access level “Send Text Message.” This can be caused by transferring login accounts from the prior year. New access level permissions are not included in any existing access level groups.




  1. Log into the program as a user with Administrator rights.
  2. From the top menu, select Setup > Login Accounts.
  3. Click the Access Levels Button.


  4. Select Administrator from the Select level to modify list.

  5. Under Access to Select, highlight Send Text Message.

  6. Click Add -> to add Send Text Message access to the Administrator access level.


Administrators should now have access to the Send Text function.