Error Message: Site ID Not Found in Database Add or Correct When Verifying a Return


In verifying a tax return, the following error message appears: 

’Site ID Not Found in Database – Add or Correct’



This error will occur if both the following conditions are true:

  • The program has a Default Site ID configured on the Overrides Tab of Office Setup.
  • The Site ID is absent from the Site Identifiers database.



Resolution 1:  Add the Default Site ID to the Site Identifiers database

  1. Log into the program as a user with Administrator rights.
  2. On the top menu, select Setup->Office Setup.
  3. Select the Overrides Tab.
  4. Click OK to close the Applications Settings window.
  5. From the top menu, select Database->Site Identifiers. The Site Identifiers window will open.
  6. In the Site ID box, enter the Default Site ID noted above.
  7. Click Add. The Site Identifiers will open.
  8. Enter a description for the site in the Description field.
  9. To print checks remotely from a VPN, WAN or terminal service, enter the name of the printer in the Remote Printer Device field. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
  10. Click the Save Button to add the information to the database.


Resolution 2: Remove the Default Site ID

  1. Log into the program as a user with Administrator rights.
  2. On the top menu, select Setup->Office Setup.
  3. Select the Overrides Tab.
  4. Clear any text in the Defaults box.
  5. Clear the Required check box.
  6. Click OK to save changes.