Error Message: Error/interrupt abt(software trc error) error020 xlink abort With Links on The Work In Progress Summary


 When selecting a link on the Work In Progress Summary, the following error message appears:

’Error/interrupt abt(software crc error) error 020 xlink abort.’



This issue can occur if a program file is damaged or missing.



The error may be resolved by running the Software Maintenance Utility. If the utility does not solve the error, re-installation may be required.


Resolution 1:

Attempt to repair the software using the Software Maintenance Utility.


  1. Log into the program as a user with administrator rights.
  2. On the Work In Progress Summary (WIP), on the top menu, click Utility > System Utilities.
  3. Click Software Diagnosis. 
  4. Click Run Utility. The Software Maintenance window will open.
  5. Select any entries that do not have OK in the Status column.
  6. Click Fix to repair these files.


The program will connect to the Central Site and download replacements for any corrupt files.


Resolution 2:

Uninstall and reinstall the program.

  1. Uninstall the program by following the steps in this article: How to Install The Program  
  2. Reinstall the program by following the steps in this article: How to Uninstall The Program


The error should now be resolved.